Aviation Heritage Index (2024)

This page indexes articles related to civil aviation that appeared in Aviation Heritage, the journal of the Aviation Historical Society of Australia (AHSA). Volumes 17-33, covering the period 1976-2002 (with some gaps), are indexed by article.

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*** Denotes Departmental related material

Vol 17 No.1 Mar-April 76

  • "Bungana" an era begins, DC 2 Operations from Essendon, Holyman Airways.

  • Douglas Commercial Log - Chronology of Douglas Aircraft in Australia 1936 - 1976.

Vol 17 No.3 July-Aug 76

  • Monthly Notes - Civil. Overview of Australian Civil Operations

Vol 17 No.4 Sept-Oct 76

  • Monthly Notes - Civil.

  • Tugan Gannet Pt.1 - Early Australian Aircraft 1934 - D.Eyre

  • Lockheed Vega VH-UVK - G. Goodall

Vol 17 No.5 Nov-Dec 76

  • Monthly Notes - Civil

  • Accidents that made History - G. Macarthur Job.

  • Tugan Gannet Pt.2

Vol 17 No.6 Jan-Feb 77

  • Monthly Notes - Civil

  • Seaplanes in Australia

Vol 19 No.3 July-Sept 78

  • Maintainer MA-1 Airship - First Airship Flight in Australia - G. Sunderland

  • Edgar Percival EP 9 in Australia.

  • Aviation Pioneers Honoured - Robin Miller, Capt Horrie Miller - M.W. Prime.

Vol 19 No.4 Dec 78

  • Chrislea CH 3 in Australia. Light Aircraft built 1946-51 - G. Goodall

Vol 20 No.3

  • Bristol 170 in Australia - G. Goodall.

Vol 20 No.4

  • "And I decided that I would like to learn to fly" Dick Mant (Pilot in P.N.G. and Australia) - Greg Banfield

Vol 21 No.1

  • Offshore Helicopters on the North-West Shelf

  • The Kalgoorlie Aeroplane - Early Aircraft built in Kalgoorlie 1914

Vol 21 No.4

Vol 22 No.2

  • Sydney to Melbourne by Air 1952 and 1982 - Harry Williams

  • The Coffee Royal Affair - Smithy and Ulm to Wyndham Pt.1 - Keith Hatfield

Vol 22 No.3

  • The Coffee Royal Affair Pt.2 - Keith Hatfield

  • "I had read about Qantas" - Capt. Russell B. Tapp

Vol 22 No.4

  • From the co*ckpit - The Beech 18 - Ben Dannecker

  • Memories of Ansett Flying Boat Services - Harry Williams

Vol 23 No.1

  • A Flight across Yesterday (First Flight across New Guinea Jan 1928) - John Hopton

Vol 23 No.3

  • "I became fascinated by Navigation" (Story of JLB Cowan - RAAF and Qantas) Pt.1 - Greg Banfield.

Vol 23 No.4

  • TAA Fleet list - John Wilson

Vol 24 No.3

  • "I became fascinated by Navigation" (Story of JLB Cowan - RAAF and Qantas) Pt.2 - Greg Banfield.

Vol 24 No.4

  • In the Twilight of the Pioneers - Fifty years since Smithy.

Vol 25 No.1 Mar 87

  • Stewart Middlemiss Story Pt.1 - Many References to RM Ansett, Purvis, Civil aircraft and Essendon Airport.

Vol 25 No.2 June 87

  • Stewart Middlemiss Story Pt.2 - References to Civil Flying Boat operations, Ansett.

Vol 25 No.3

  • Last colours of Airlines of South Australia.

  • Keith Farmer - References to Glider towing Essendon, Geelong Coode Is.

  • Old Bus meets New Bus - Southern Cross at Brisbane and Replica Southern Cross.

Vol 26 No.1

  • JR Duigan - First powered Australian Flight (whole magazine refers)

Vol 26 No.2

  • Harry Hawker in Australia

  • Early Douglas DC 2 Operations in Australia

Vol 26 No.3

  • Northern Territory Aerial Medical Service

Vol 26 No.4

  • Guinea Airways Ltd. - Operations on the Australian Mainland

Vol 27 No.2

  • *** The men of Air Traffic Control (1945 - 1975) Don Charlwood

Vol 27 No.3 - June 96

  • ***The Low powered Aeroplane trials of 1924 - Bill Baker

  • *** The other 75th Anniversary - Australian Civil Aviation Administration - Roger Meyer

Vol 27 No.4 - 1996

  • Jack Clancy and his Brothers (aircraft designer and engineer) - Around Australia on 40hp.

  • The Miss Hobart enigma - DH86 missing Launceston to Melbourne 1934

Vol 28 No.1 - Jan 97

  • From Tractors to Seaplanes - Ian Monk (aviation in W.A.)

  • Wackett's Wizard - (Wizard Aero Engine 1924)

Vol 28 No.2 - March 97

  • Smithy

  • 60 Years in Aviation - Dr. Henry Millicer

  • From Tiger Moths to Boeing 747's - Capt Ken Nicholson

Vol 28 No.3 June 97

  • Pioneer Australian Autogyro

  • Connellan Airways - Ian Leslie

Vol 28 No.4 Sept 97

  • Civil Flying Boat Operations Hamilton Reach and Redland Bay 1946 - 1974

Vol 29 No.1 - Jan 98

  • ***Too Small too Soon - Maylands Aerodrome 1923 - 1963

  • Allan James Hughes Navigator RAAF - QANTAS

Vol 29 No.2 - March 98

  • Ansett Australia - Complete Fleet List

Vol 29 No.3 - June 98

  • Air Services in Australia

  • Australia's Junkers JU 86

Vol 29 No.4 - Sept 98

  • Daring Deeds in the Desert - VH-UEM Crash in Victorian Desert

  • Avro Anson in Australian Civil Aviation - A brief History

Vol 30 No.1 - Jan 99

  • Queensland Airlines Pty. Ltd. - A Brief History - John Wilson

Vol 30 No.2 - March 99

  • Aeroflights - The Billboard Barnstormers - Neville Hayes

  • Milton A. (Joe) Taylor - Air Services in Australia and P.N.G.

Vol 30 No.3 - June 99

  • The Drover Story DH Drover DH A 3 - Bill Downes

  • Flying for Qantas 1945 through 1949 - John Morton

  • *** Politics and Civil Aviation - Creation of DCA - Dr. Leigh Edmonds

  • Arthur Schutt - Mac Job

Vol 30 No.4 - Sept 99

  • C.G. (Fred) Fox (RAAF - QANTAS) interview - Greg Banfield

  • 40th Anniversary of first Commercial Jet services to Melbourne (DH Comet)

Vol 30 No.5 - Dec 99

  • The Sikorsky S-38 and S-39 in Australia - David Eyre

Vol 31 No.1 March 2000

  • The RG Carey Story (Pioneer Australian Aviator) - Bill Baker

  • Lebbeus Horden and his Aeroplanes - David Eyre

Vol 31 No.2 June 2000

  • Alan Wharton DSO DFC OBE MID (RAAF - Qantas) - Greg Banfield

Vol 31 No.3 Sept 2000

  • De Havilland DH - 83 Fox Moth - Edward Fletcher

  • Guinea Airways Lockheed 14 crash at Katherine 1939 - MJ Flanagan

  • Short S.23 Empire Flying Boat Australian Connections - John Wilson

  • The Australian Sopwith Gnus - Douglas Pardee

  • Robin Miller Dicks - The Sugar Bird Lady - Shirley Adkins

Vol 31 No.4 - Dec 2000

  • Bristol Coupe Tourer - Edward Fletcher

  • LASCO designed and built Aircraft - Douglas Pardee

  • Lawrence Hargrave - Ian Debenham

Vol 33 No.2 - June 2002

  • Index to Civil Identities Douglas DC2 DC3 and variants on the Australian Civil Register

  • Front and Rear Cover Photo - Qantas Constellation crash at Mauritius 24th August 1960

  • Len Sales - WW2 RAF Wireless op/Air Gunner, Malaysian Airways Radio Officer, QANTAS Navigation Officer and later B747 Pilot. Latterly ATPL Theory teacher at University of NSW.

  • Out of the fog and into the sea - Fatal accident to TAA F27 at Mackay on 10th June 1960 - Bill Baker

  • Aeroplane fatality at Port Melbourne - report on fatal accident to Avro aeroplane - EC Johnston

  • Not as skinny and small now - Historical gliding in Australia - Jim Dunstan

  • Gordon's Australasian Air Guide - Monthly air travel information document launched in 1937 - Roger McDonald

  • Pre-War civil Aircraft of Western Australia - No.7 DH 84 Dragon - Edward Fletcher

  • Return to Darwin - Sixtieth anniversary of the bombing of Darwin - Flt Lt K.N. McDonald DFC RAAF (ret'd)

  • Supplement - Index to Civil Identities - Douglas (Piston engined) Transports on the Australian Civil Register DC2, DC3 & Variants - John Hopkins

Index compiled by Brian Surtees, CAHS

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Aviation Heritage Index (2024)


What is the 1 to 6 rule in aviation? ›

In air navigation, the 1 in 60 rule is a rule of thumb which states that if a pilot has traveled sixty miles then an error in track of one mile is approximately a 1° error in heading, and proportionately more for larger errors.

What is the 1 in 60 rule in aviation knowledge? ›

That's why pilots are taught the 1 in 60 rule, which states that after 60 miles, a one-degree error in heading will result in straying off course by one mile. Which means the lake you planned to fly over could turn out to be a mountain.

What is the 1 1 rule in aviation? ›

The 1:1 rule with the A2 CofC

For example, starting at ten meters separation from uninvolved people and ten meters above the ground, for every metre you fly closer you must descend one metre. You can fly lower than the distance you are separated from people, but not higher.

How do I find the best range in aviation? ›

In unaccelerated flight with the lift and drag data steady, the proportions of the coefficient of Lift (CL) and coefficient of drag (CD) can be calculated for specific Angle Of Attack (AOA). The maximum range condition is obtained at maximum lift/drag ratio (L/DMAX).

What is the 3/2:1 rule in aviation descent? ›

A general rule of thumb for initial IFR descent planning in jets is the 3 to 1 formula. This means that it takes 3 NM to descend 1,000 feet. If an airplane is at FL 310 and the approach gate or initial approach fix is at 6,000 feet, the initial descent requirement equals 25,000 feet (31,000–6,000).

What is the 70 50 rule in aviation? ›

unobstructed runways, establish a landmark at 50% of your calculated takeoff distance. When reaching that landmark, you should be at 70% of your rotation speed. If not, abort the takeoff and reduce weight or wait for more favorable wind and temperature conditions.

What is the golden rule in aviation? ›

Fly, navigate, communicate and manage — in that order.

What is the 3x6 rule in aviation? ›

For larger aircraft, typically people use some form of the 3/6 Rule: 3 times the altitude (in thousands of feet) you have to lose is the distance back to start the descent; 6 times your groundspeed is your descent rate.

What is the 1-2-3 rule in aviation? ›

Many pilots refer to this as the 1-2-3 rule: Plus or minus 1 hour from arrival, ceilings at least 2,000 feet and visibility at least 3 statute miles.

What is the 1000ft rule in aviation? ›

In general, except when necessary for take-off or landing, an aircraft should be 1,000 ft over a built-up area or otherwise 500ft from people, vehicles, vessels and structures.

What is the 500ft rule in aviation? ›

This may be significantly higher than 500 feet or 1,000 feet. An aircraft must maintain an altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.

What is the TSA 321 rule? ›

You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes through the checkpoint. These are limited to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. This is also known as the 3-1-1 liquids rule.

Which airliner has the best range? ›

Airliners. The longest range jetliner in service is the Airbus A350 XWB Ultra Long Range, capable of flying up to 18,000 kilometres (9,700 nmi; 11,000 mi). The Airbus A380 is capable of flying 14,800 kilometres (8,000 nmi; 9,200 mi) with 544 passengers.

Does weight affect aircraft range? ›

Excessive weight can negatively affect an airplane's speed, take-off and landing distance, rate of climb, ceiling (maximum altitude), maneuverability, and range. Excessive weight often requires a pilot to reconsider the requirements of the trip. If maximum range is required, occupants or cargo loads must be decreased.

How high can propeller airplanes fly? ›

Propeller-driven aircraft: These types of aircrafts typically fly at lower altitudes, often below 10,000 feet (3,048 meters), although some may fly up to 25,000 feet (7,620 meters) depending on their design and function.

What is the 6 to 1 rule? ›

Here is your 6 to 1 mission, should you choose to accept it: Seek out six fresh, frozen or canned vegetables, five fresh, frozen or canned fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces and one little luxury per supermarket trip.

What is the 3-1-1 rule in aviation? ›

You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes through the checkpoint. These are limited to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. This is also known as the 3-1-1 liquids rule.

What is the 1-2-3 rule for IFR flights? ›

1 hour before to 1 hour after your ETA (at the listed destination), the ceiling will be at least 2,000′ AGL, and the visibility will be at least 3 SM. It's called the 1-2-3 rule; this is the easiest way to remember this section.


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.