Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

-1 sai THE GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE Friday Evening, December 30, 1 927 10. Read These Ads for Pure Foods at Lowest Costtl The Market Page Real Quality! the result of years of experiment Use LESS of this Flour! SUNKIST FRUIT New Year Specials "whe wants REsomra ACWrT'1 IC tat- r-T, Try OCCIDENT Special Patent, but use LESS flour to make the same number of dyer OCCIDENT 1 25c 42c 25c 25c 25c Figs and Dates, 2 lbs. for Raisins, 4 Ib. pkg Large Prunes, 2 lbs Medium Prunes, 3 Ib Fig Bars, 2 lbs to raid the Ice box CoiU libit-0JH of loaves. OCCIDENT, because of its high gluten con-tent, absorbs more water.

Use one sack. Try as many bakings as you wish. If you aren't thoroughly satisfied, for any reason, the FULL purchase price will be refunded. Your dealer is authorized to return it to you. Distributed The Green Hay Distributing Co.

Scheller, Mgr. W. Walnut l'hone Howard 46 mm Fancy Shelled Walnuts, Sat 59c FANCY CUTS OF MEAT PRICED RIGHT. FRESH DRESSED POULTRY Shawano Avenue Market Phone Adams 1512 849 Shwano Ave. NSI 25c 25c Fresh Itoasted Peanuts, 2 lbs.

Sweet and Dill Pickles, 2 doz. mm Del Monte Sardines in large in large I will itee, the herieBtl of Ms cans, mustard or tomato sauce Holland Rusk, fresh, pkg 14c 19c i Special Patent Flour, milled fa The Russell-Mule Milling millt at Minneapolis; Buffalo, N. Grand Forks, Valley City, Dickinson, Mandan, Bismarck, Jamestown and Minot, North Dakota; Billings and Sidney, Montana. itneral Offices at Minneapolis. flavor Macaroni, Spaghetti and tti and texture to baking.

And they'll like it in the vegetables too. Or as a part of the pan-gravy with the steak. Try a pound today. Oak Grove is made fresh daily under U. S.

Government inspection. If you are not pleased, your grocer will cheerfully refund yrjur money. Pie Ciust eupi flour, cup Oak Grove salt, ice cold water. Method, Sift flour and salt into mli-in( bowl, add oleomargarine and chop until fine. Add enough cold water to make a stiff paste.

Divide for the two Roll pastry 't-inch thick. Spread on plate, trim and nil. Top crust ii prepared in aame way. FAMILIAR cry, mother, when the children are about. And are you going to give them something in the ice box to raid? Of course you are or you wouldn't be human, and a mother.

Cold chicken jam in the cold closet bread in the bread box crackers, cheese and Oak Grove Margarine to spread on the bread. The whole family will like the deliciously salted taste of Oak Grove. They'll like it in cake, pie and hot breads, for it gives a delicate, tender Noodles, 3 Pkgs Rolled and ((nick small pkg Large packages 25c Oatmeal 10c 24c MEiWmeals by Shilco and Van Camp's Tall np's Tall 10c 1 yhreeilimesi Main Monroe WE Green Bay, Wis. Cans Milk, per can Broken Rice, 5 lbs Scott's Dried I'eas, 4 lbs. Navy Beans, 3 lbs cvMunhqr 25c 25c 24c Sat.

Grocery Specials Hours No. a a o. No PtMM Ortlor No Charges A. Third Floor Campbell's Tomato, Chicken and Vegetable Soup, qq 3 rans atC Chicken 29c Monarch Pork and Beans, 3 cans Lone Star Tomatoes, 3 cans 25c 29c 25c 35c 7r Snle at All Tlealers, Wholranlr llMrlhutor Jimnnm tiro. Co.

liny, Wlau Del Monte and Kings Delight Delight HAVE VOL1 GOT VOI NKV YEAR'S FOWL? Turkeys, Geese, Durks, Chickens Groceries of Quality "ASK YOLK NEIGHBOR" BLAZEI MARKET and GROCERY 1231 E. Mason St. Adams 2230 Fine quality, fresh, appetizing foods are the only Kind we sell. The price here is no greater than for ordinary quality. TT Monarch Green 01 lea ft lb.

can OiC Chocolate Cookies gdTi1 ib, TomatOUrge Can I5c leaches, largo can Monarch Catsup, large, 2 for Adams 4616 COOKIE SPECIALS Sunshine Fruit Cake 1 lb, Egyptian Lithographed f- Tin OOC 2 lb. Egyptian llesiun Frank Daul Grocery 617 N. BROADWAY Pickles Sweet Sweet 39c Lithographed Tin $1.70 A delicious combination of the finest fruits of the world. Tomato Soup, 3 cans Canned Asparagus, per can. 23c Airy Fair)' fake Hour, large package 25c round Cans Calumet Raking Powder 28c Sugar, 10 lbs (i5c IStitter 55c Candy and Mixed Nuts, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds.

Store Closed Monday 31c 26c Sunshine Krispy Crackers, 2 lbs. Sunshine Animal Cookies, Ib Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. Smoked Pork 25c Deerwood Coffee, per lb. 55c 1 Hi. boxes Assorted Chocolates, lit box, 3 boxes for $1.00 Electric Light Bulbs, all sizes 23c, 23c Beans swnsf.8,,,.....,..

25c QtJwsx Red Bill Brand 1 oaimon Red salmon, y2 ib. oc Pears Large Can 29c 3' (TeTTyears ladTitwai backed only by a conviction r8, fef that overcame the A COV enterprise encounters. Then VvS rH4 1 Vi' almosipoundbypounditsvol.j dudieS Aj9 i (W dl ume irew.people who knew) 1 AWC Ttil tood coffee were convinced, rf-Oe dt VW they had found the ultimate MV a blend Today, over 2.000.009 VY.r "Ja TTiC-C people drink it daily jX'J I noma With Tu-tlTSiifLf 0 imdtri of Si'lur Hi thi Cogtt SUNKIST FRUIT We Deliver Promptly Advertisem*nts Your Help Wanted to PHONE 440Q CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS Drano 19c iOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOor, Van Camp's and White Naphtha Soap, 10 bars Chipso, large pkg Small pkg Castile Soap, 4 bars p. (i. 38c 23c 10c 25c WEST SIDE FRUIT MARKET Sardine 19c AIN ST.

FRUIT STORE Specials for Saturday New Vear Candies Mixed Special 8 lbs Deliveries of $1.00 or over Stunipy Service Two riiones Adams 38.5 Adams 3876 99c Palmolive, 10 Bars OOC Walnuts, while tljey last, 728 Main st. New Year Specials Soap Oranges, 35c seller for 29c 49c seller we sell for 35c i lbs. tor ooc Walnuts medium sizes- Swans Down Cake Flour 30c SPECIAL ON GROCERIES special 4 lbs Mixed Nuts, II 79c 23c 25. Heinz Brand 3 Cans for Soup Fancy Michigan JQ Onions, per peck 7t Cut rock and broken mix 10 lbs. Sugar for 62c P.

G. and Big Four Eggs Strictly Fresh Special 45c per doz. Apples, Mcintosh (trt per buslW 4a-i 10 Delicious Apples, while they last, social, 0 Cf pr bushel VfaiuU Kxtra faiRy Wealthies, fine for eatius and cooking, OC 4 lbs. for eUC ltfl-lL Pabst 55c Good Cooking Pota- QQ toes, per K-ck Ca I man Soap, 10 bars or 37c Brand candy, 4 lbs. for (irapefrnit, 3 and 4 for 49c 25c Peanut Butter pan 29c Dry Peas, 5 lbs.

for Can Tomatoes, 3 or 25c Can Corn, Peas, 3 for 25c Soap Chips, 2 lbs. for 25c 25c Puffed Raisins, large, lbs. for Special on Bananas We prepare and deliver fruit baskets. Iet us send one to your friends. CI Quick Naphtha 20c III Fancy Navy Beans ty Good eating Mcintosh QC 3 lbs, for fciOC 4 lbs.

for aiiOC zZTL 25C o0 Poking Scotch 95 Teas, 4 lbs. for fccll New Dill Tickles OCp i dozen for faOC New Golden Dates nr. 35c White Cooking Figs 3 lbs. for JUap VUipj Urge Pkg. 25c 25c Dry Onions, 8 lbs.

for Virginia Sweet Potatoes, 11 lbs. I 3 I 1 Specials on Head Lettuce, Haby Rice Pop Corn, Guaranteed to pop. or Lettuce, ucunibers, I I I Extra Fancy, large, per doz Apples, Jonathans or Delicious, 4 lbs. for. 30c Red or Green Apples for cooking, 7 lbs.

for 25c Apples in $1.25 up Baldwin Apples, fancy, large, 4 lbs. for Lemons, nice large, doz. 49c Dry Onions, 8 lbs. for 25c Sweet Potatoes, 10 lbs. 25c Head Lettuce, crispy, hard, 3 for 25c Celery, bunch 10c Cabbage, Rutabagas, 10 lbs.

for 25c Potatoes, nice cooker, peck 27c We have a few bushels of small size potatoes we will sell at 79c a bushel while they last Fig Bars, Ginger Snap Cookies, 2 lbs. for 25c Grapes, 10c lb. 3 lbs. 25c Grapefruit, 5 for or dozen 49c Candy, Mixed, 2 lbs. for 25c 18 2 llw.

for Celery, Wax and Green Beans, Carrots, Rutabagas, raulillower, Cranberries and all kinds of fresh vegetables. New Turnips, New Heels, Celery Hearts, Bnissel Sprouts, Had-Ishes, (irwn Onions, l'resh Rhubarb, Ciuinnbers, Cauliflower, Head I.etluie, and Spinach. Large Sweet Prunes We htill have an attractive sup 2 lbs. for aOC ply of nuts and candy. IX Potatoes, per peck Per bushel 29c $1.15 Can Milk, large 10c Can Pineapple, 2Vi size, 2 for 45c Strictly Fresh Eggs doz.

46c Rolled Oats, large 20c Baker's Chocolate, V2 lb. for 22c Macaroni, Spaghetti, 4 boxes for 30c Climaline, large box 22c Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c Van Camp's Soup, 3 for 25c Matches, 6 for 18c Rice, 3 lbs. for Catsup, large, 3 for Tissue Paper, 4 for 29c Salmon, 1 lb. for 1 8c Prunes, 40-50, 5 lbs. Raisins, lb 10c Special on Strictly Fresh eggs and pure creamery We Wish All Our Friends and Customers A Happy and Prosperous New Year Sugar Miller in fh 10 Lbs.

Hi-Life fi- or Iidcnknmz OOC 49c Can Swk 56-35 Oranges 35c 2 Doz. Grapes While They List 4 lbs. 25c Strictly Fresh Eggs doz Apples, 6 lbs. for And I Mcintosh Apples, bushel 44c 25c 1.59 Special on Bananas Onions, fancy dry, 6 lbs 25c Specials on Tomatoes, Radishes Green Onions, Caulitlower, Sweet Potatoes, Cocoanuts, Spinach, Parsnips. Shelled Walnuts, fancy whole halves, II, 65c Rinso, 3 pkgs 25c If Tomato Soup, 3 cans 25c Navy Beans, hand picked, 4 lbs 30c 'igs, fancy white, 2 lbs 25c, Special prices by the bushel on Jonathan, Delicious, Snows, Mcintosh, Baldwins, Talman Sweets, Russets and other varieties.

Bon Bons Mixed Chocolates lb 25c I'eas, Scotch, 4 lbs Dry Peaches, 3 lbs. for 45c Matches, 6-5c boxes Raisins, 2 lb. pkg We Will Be Open Monday Many More Bargains Very Cheap at 119 Dousman Red Grapes, 3 lbs. for 25c A Jonathans and Wagners, 0 His 25e ines.tps, Kaldu ins, (anno, Miohs, 4 lbs 2.M' Giei iiiiiss a lbs JJr Hnshel DasUet $1.25 Diliiimis, 4 lbs r.ushel Hasket $2.40 Peanuts, fresh, 2 lbs Gr.ipelruit, extra large, 3 for 2.V Lemons, larse, dm Klc Celerv, fancy, bnnrh 15c Ciirmts Rutabagas and Cabbage, 8 lbs. 25c sweet, 2 lbs rates, fresh layer, 2 lbs.

1 1 ijtnooooooooo oeecooeaooocaewcxxeKrvvjryy Coffee, bulk 25e 4 lbs. Corn Flakes) and Pep, I pkgs! 11. fi More for the money you pay. tach can tilled ii I vvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvyv.wvvvivvvvvvwvwvvy. Rice, fancy Blue Rose, 3 lbs.

25c Cocoamit, bulk, lb 29c Cookies, Fig Bars or Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs 2oC Black Figs, 3 lbs 35c Brooms, fancy Salt, 3 sacks 25c Karo Syrup, dark, can lie Manila Oil, pt 31c Milk, tall cans lllc Peanut Butter, lb Nc Crackers, lb, bov 45c Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c Pan Cake Flour, 2 pkgs 25c Special on Fresh Butter Cocoa, 2 lb. pkg 28c Candy, Christmas, 18e value, 2 lbs Pork and Beans, 3 rans 25c Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, 3 cans Spaghetti, Macaroni, Noodles, 3 for Palace Cash and Delivery SANITARY MEAT MARKET Shop here tomorrow wn will be glad to show you our bargains FREE DELIVERY any place in town at no extra cost, SUNKIST Fruit 321 MAIN STREET PHONE ADAMS 116 or ADAMS We Deliver SI or Over Call in the Morning If Possible 1 to the brim with full, meaty kernels. Sold as a special over ECCO Tables this week. 1 nJ Distributed by Greiling-Innes Co. GREEN BAT, WISCONSIN fj I i nj Ean Claire Grocer Co.

MtrthMd Ore jj i IJ Rlre Lake Urom C. jfl Ld smith Grocer Co. Menomonle Graeer Ok. Toilet Paper 8 Rolls 25c Soap White Laundry 10 Bars 35c Baldwins Bit. Basket $1.50 and $2.00 Potatoes Peck 30c Ihishel $1.15 "Happiness ahead" So says the sign post here "Health, Wealth, Prosperity And plenty of Good Cheer." 333 N.


Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.