Spear - DarkSouls II Wiki (2024)

Spear - DarkSouls II Wiki (1)

In-Game Description

A standard spear.

Spears allow one to attack a foe from
a distance, and while holding up a shield.

Thrusting attacks are effective even against
opponents with strong defense, but they have
a narrow point of contact and won't effectively
break through a shielded defense.


  • Sold by Blacksmith Lenigrast for 1,400 souls.
  • Goblin (Bare Fist) drop.

General Information

ImageDamageAux EffectsCounter
Stats Needed
Stat Bonuses
Aux Effects
Spear - DarkSouls II Wiki (2)105/0/0/0/0





Move Set















Standard upgrade path.

  • Titanite
NameDamageAux. EffectsStat BonusesMaterials CostSouls
Spear +0105/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/---
Spear +1115/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-1x Titanite Shard530
Spear +2126/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-2x Titanite Shard660
Spear +3136/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-3x Titanite Shard790
Spear +4147/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-1x Large Titanite Shard1,050
Spear +5157/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-2x Large Titanite Shard1,190
Spear +6168/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-3x Large Titanite Shard1,320
Spear +7178/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-1x Titanite Chunk1,580
Spear +8189/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-2x Titanite Chunk1,710
Spear +9199/0/0/0/00/0D/B/-/-/-/-3x Titanite Chunk1,840
Spear +10210/0/0/0/00/0C/A/-/-/-/-1x Titanite Slab2,100



Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base magic damage, INT stat bonus, magic damage reduction.

  • Faintstone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Magic Spear +073/73/0/0/00/0D/C/C/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +180/80/0/0/00/0D/C/C/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +288/88/0/0/00/0D/C/C/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +395/95/0/0/00/0D/C/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +4102/102/0/0/00/0E/D/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +5110/110/0/0/00/0E/D/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +6117/117/0/0/00/0D/C/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +7124/124/0/0/00/0D/C/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +8132/132/0/0/00/0D/C/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +9139/139/0/0/00/0D/C/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Magic Spear +10147/147/0/0/00/0D/C/B/-/-/-37.9/26.6/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9


Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base fire damage, INT and FTH stat bonus, fire damage reduction.

  • Firedrake Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Fire Spear +073/0/73/0/00/0D/C/-/C/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +180/0/80/0/00/0D/C/-/C/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +288/0/88/0/00/0D/C/-/C/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +395/0/95/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +4102/0/102/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +5110/0/110/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +6117/0/117/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +7124/0/124/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +8132/0/132/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +9139/0/139/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Fire Spear +10147/0/147/0/00/0D/C/-/B/-/-37.9/7.9/46.6/27.9/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9


Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base lightning damage, FTH stat bonus, lightning damage reduction.

  • Boltstone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Lightning Spear +073/0/0/73/00/0D/C/-/-/C/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +180/0/0/80/00/0D/C/-/-/C/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +288/0/0/88/00/0D/C/-/-/C/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +395/0/0/95/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +4102/0/0/102/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +5110/0/0/110/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +6117/0/0/117/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +7124/0/0/124/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +8132/0/0/132/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +9139/0/0/139/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Lightning Spear +10147/0/0/147/00/0D/C/-/-/B/-37.9/7.9/27.9/46.6/27.97.9/7.9/7.9/7.9


Reduces: Physical base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base dark damage, INT and FTH stat bonus, dark damage reduction.

  • Darknight Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Dark Spear +073/0/0/0/730/0D/C/-/-/-/C37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +180/0/0/0/800/0D/C/-/-/-/C37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +288/0/0/0/880/0D/C/-/-/-/C37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +395/0/0/0/950/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +4102/0/0/0/1020/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +5110/0/0/0/1100/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +6117/0/0/0/1170/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +7124/0/0/0/1240/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +8132/0/0/0/1320/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +9139/0/0/0/1390/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9
Dark Spear +10147/0/0/0/1470/0D/C/-/-/-/B37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/46.67.9/7.9/7.9/7.9


Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base poison damage, poison damage reduction.

  • Poison Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Poison Spear +073/0/0/0/0112/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +180/0/0/0/0114/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +288/0/0/0/0117/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +395/0/0/0/0120/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +4102/0/0/0/0123/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +5110/0/0/0/0126/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +6117/0/0/0/0128/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +7124/0/0/0/0131/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +8132/0/0/0/0134/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +9139/0/0/0/0137/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9
Poison Spear +10147/0/0/0/0140/0D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.926.6/7.9/7.9/7.9


Reduces: Base damage, STR and DEX stat bonuses, damage and aux effects reduction.
Adds/Increases: Base bleed damage, bleed damage reduction.

  • Bleed Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Lacerating Spear +073/0/0/0/00/112D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +180/0/0/0/00/114D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +288/0/0/0/00/117D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +395/0/0/0/00/120D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +4102/0/0/0/00/123D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +5110/0/0/0/00/126D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +6117/0/0/0/00/128D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +7124/0/0/0/00/131D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +8132/0/0/0/00/134D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +9139/0/0/0/00/137D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9
Lacerating Spear +10147/0/0/0/00/140D/C/-/-/-/-37.9/7.9/27.9/27.9/27.97.9/26.6/7.9/7.9


Reduces: Stat bonuses.
Adds/Increases: Base damage.

  • Raw Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Raw Spear +0120/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +1132/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +2144/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +3156/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +4169/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +5181/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +6193/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +7205/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +8217/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +9229/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Raw Spear +10241/0/0/0/00/0E/E/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10


Reduces: Stat bonuses.
Adds/Increases: INT stat bonus (excluding weapons that have base magic damage).

  • Magic Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Enchanted Spear +0105/0/0/0/00/0E/E/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +1115/0/0/0/00/0E/E/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +2126/0/0/0/00/0E/E/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +3136/0/0/0/00/0E/E/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +4147/0/0/0/00/0E/E/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +5157/0/0/0/00/0E/D/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +6168/0/0/0/00/0E/D/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +7178/0/0/0/00/0E/D/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +8189/0/0/0/00/0E/D/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +9199/0/0/0/00/0E/D/D/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Enchanted Spear +10210/0/0/0/00/0E/D/C/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10


Reduces: Base damage, stat bonuses.
Adds/Increases: Damage scaling from lowest stat.

  • Old Mundane Stone
  • 2,000 souls
NameDamageAux EffectsStat BonusesDamage
Aux Effects
Mundane Spear +052/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +157/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +263/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +368/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +473/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +578/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +684/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +789/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +894/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +999/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10
Mundane Spear +10105/0/0/0/00/0E/D/-/-/-/-40/10/30/30/3010/10/10/10



The Damage stat dictates how much damage the weapon does. The Damage stats for a weapon are A / B / C / D / E:

  • A is Physical Damage
  • B is Magical Damage
  • C is Fire Damage
  • D is Lightning Damage
  • E is Dark Damage

Each weapon has one or more physical damage types:

  • Striking
  • Slashing
  • Thrusting

Certain enemies are weak or strong against different damage types.
See Weakness for physical reduction, Resistance for elemental reduction.

Aux Effect:

The Aux Effect stat dictates how effective the weapon will be at causing the effect. The Aux Effect stats for a weapon are A / B:

  • A is Poison Effect
  • B is Bleed Effect
Counter Strength:Damage multiplier when hitting an enemy that is performing an action such as attacking. Value of 100 means no extra damage.
Poise Damage:The ability of the weapon to break the poise of an enemy.
Stats Needed:

The Stats Needed determines how high various Stats must be in order to wield the weapon effectively.
The stats required for a weapon are A / B / C / D:

  • A is the Strength required
  • B is the Dexterity required
  • C is the Intelligence required
  • D is the Faith required

Wielding a weapon without the required Strength and/or Dexterity will incur a penalty to the Physical damage of the weapon,
while lower-than-required Magic and/or Faith will reduce the Magic damage of the weapon.

Also keep in mind that your character gains a 100% bonus to Strength by wielding a weapon with both hands, thus reducing
the actual Strength required. For example, a character with 14 Strength can wield a Great Club (Requires 28 Strength)
properly if the weapon is held with both hands. (14 x 2 = 28)

Stat Bonuses:

The Stat Bonuses rating indicates the level of bonus damage you do with the weapon, based on the associated Stat.
This rating can be S, A, B, C, D, or E (in order from most to least bonus for the associated skill).
See Scaling for more information.
The Bonus Stats for a weapon are A/B/C/D/E/F:

  • A is the Strength stat bonus that influences the physical attack of the weapon.
  • B is the Dexterity stat bonus that influences the physical attack of the weapon.
  • C is the Intelligence stat bonus that influences the Magical attack of the weapon.
  • D is the Intelligence and Faith stat bonus that influences the Fire attack of the weapon.
  • E is the Faith stat bonus that influences the Lightning attack of the weapon.
  • F is the Intelligence or Faith stat bonus that influence the Dark attack of the weapon(The lower of the two stats is chosen as the bonus stat).
Damage Reduction:

The Damage Reduction % of the weapon. It dictates how much damage the weapon mitigates while blocking.
The Damage Reduction % stats for weapons are A / B / C / D / E :

  • A is Physical Damage
  • B is Magical Damage
  • C is Fire Damage
  • D is Lightning Damage
  • E is Dark Damage
Aux Effect Reduction:

The Aux Effect Reduction % of the weapon. It dictates how much of the effect the weapon mitigates while blocking.
The Aux Effect Reduction % stats for a weapon are A / B / C / D:

  • A is Poison Effect
  • B is Bleed Effect
  • C is Petrification Effect
  • D is Curse Effect
Stability:Determines the amount of stamina expended to block an incoming attack. A higher stability also allows you to block stronger
attacks without breaking guard and reduces the amount of stamina depleted from blocking attacks.
Durability:The durability of the weapon.
Weight:The weight of the weapon. Note that carrying over 70% of your Equip Weight will reduce the speed of your rolls, while going
over 100% will reduce your regular speed to walking and attempts to roll or backstep will leave you momentarily stunned.
Enchantable? Items/Spells:Determines whether or not the weapon can receive a temporary damage buff by items and/or spells. Note that if you decided
to infuse the weapon it cannot be enchanted by items.

page revision: 25, last edited: 30 May 2019 01:14

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Spear - DarkSouls II Wiki (2024)


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Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.